Live, From New York...

Some are memorable for the performance itself, some for the whole spectacle of it all, and some for the controversy surrounding the gig. I've attached links to YouTube, so you can judge for yourself. Enjoy... and debate.
5. Beck, "Clap Hands" - This clip is from the current 2006 season, and makes the list simply because it's unlike anything else you've ever seen. I know they do this in concert, but I couln't stop watching... and I don't even like Beck.
4. Sinéad O'Connor, "War" - The voice... the porcelain skin... the innocence mixed with rage... then, Holy Crap!... what was that?!? I remember watching this live and thinking, "What has she just done?" She's just ruined her career. That's what she's just done.
3. Nirvana, "Territorial Pissings" - (Couldn't find the link. If you do, post a comment.) Hot on the heels of taking over the music world by ripping the #1 song crown from Michael Jackson's creepy, formerly-gloved hand, Nirvana appear on SNL. They play the requisite "Smells Like Teen Spirit" earlier in the show, then rip throug this one. Chaos ensues after the final note - Kurt attacks the Marshall stacks with the neck of his guitar, Dave knocks over the drum kit, and Krist throws his bass about 15 feet in the air. When it comes down, he misses it and it hits him on the forehead, and drops him to the canvas.
2. Elvis Costello and the Attractions, "Less Than Zero/Radio, Radio" - Costello and band begin with the first song, but eight seconds in, he calls it off: "I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, there's no reason to do this song here..." Live [and unpredictable] from New York, it's Saturday Night.
1. Radiohead, "National Anthem" - All I can say is that when I first saw this, I was awestruck. I had never seen anything like it, and doubt I ever will. They also performed "Idioteque" on the same show - and it was probably better - but I was ruined... everything else would be judged by what I had seen that night.
I'm still waiting for a compilation DVD/CD of these myriad performances, but it'll never happen. Until then, check out what I've got, and comment and add your own.
Thank you, and have a pleasant tomorrow.
WoW! Sinead... I've never heard that, amazing. The pope part was shocking. WoW!
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