Dear Lord, Baby Jesus...

Usually in preparing for my little Sabbath-day power nap, I'll pop on the TV and let a little golf match drone on and put me to sleep. But today... no golf. So I flip around the channels when I finally land on some coverage of a guy praying. I thought I had flipped all the way up to TBN (the televangelist channel with the lady with pink hair sitting in a gold throne), exept for the fact that the guy praying was wearing a cowboy hat and a sateen jumpsuit emblazoned with patches of Bud Light, Windex, Mitchum, and Easy Off Oven Cleaner (I don't remember exactly what the patches read, but work with me).

Now forgive me for being the only person in North America (or at least south of the Mason-Dixon line) who hasn't seen more than 13 seconds of a NASCAR race, but this was news to me. The purpose of this posting is not to comment on the prayer - I'll deal with the propriety of that at another time. But post-prayer I couldn't change the channel. There was something that kept me glued to the set.

What I'm trying to say is (and I feel dirty even admitting this) I kinda liked it. First a little disclaimer: it wasn't a normal NASCAR race where all they do is turn left. There was actual skill involved, since it was one of those road races where they turn right and left. But it was NASCAR nonetheless.
Pray for me. I don't want to end up like that guy.
I like to think of Jesus as the lead singer of Lynard Skynard. Watch out tomorrow. The NASCAR vortex is gonna suck you in again. Nice post
I hope that your back hair isn't that bad. If it is you could look into laser hair removal....
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