priests & paramedics

“Ivan Illich was once asked what is the most revolutionary way to change society. Is it violent revolution or is it gradual reform? He gave a careful answer. ‘Neither. If you want to change society, then you must tell an alternative story.” • Tim Costello

20 June 2006

Americentrism and Sports

If you've been paying even the least bit of attention to what's currently happening in the world of sports, you no doubt are familiar with the World Cup. For those of you in South Florida, like me, believe it or not, there is actually something else going on other than the Heat series. And frankly, if you live outside of the United States, you're reading this and thinking I'm some kind of a rube for even suggesting that you might not be familiar with the World Cup, or that it's currently taking place.

I'll get to my point: Give soccer a chance. It's actually good... and interesting. The most common complaint is the lack of scoring, but that's beside the point (award each score seven points like American football, and The Ukraine beats Saudi Arabia 28-0). I think it boils down to our Americentrism: that oh-so-subtle tendency that we have to look down upon other cultures as quaint at best, and inferior or savage at worst.

So if you haven't already, take some time to watch the world's game. Tune into today's match between Sweden and England, or the U.S. vs. Ghana on Thursday, and be surprised yourself. World Cup. Copa del Mundo. Weltmeisterschaft. Call it what you will, but 500 million people can't be wrong.


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