Jockey Head-Butts Horse

ESPN is reporting that jockey Paul O'Neill will be investigated by the sport's governing body after television replays showed him head-butting his horse, City Affair.
Ironically, O'Neill claimed that he only resorted to the head-butt after City Affair made several racial slurs about his Irish ancestry – he claims that, among other things, the horse called him a terrorist, said his father was a drunk with a fiery temper, that his mother moonlighted as a car-bomb assembler for the IRA, and suggested that the leprechaun that his sister is dating "make her an honest woman" and marry her already.
Horse lip-reading specialists have been called in to determine whether there is any merit to O'Neill's claims. Until then, both jockey and horse have have filed seperate restraining orders, requiring them to remain at least 100 feet away from each other at any given time.
Nice! You should send that to the Onion
I'm hoping/guessing they will do an article on it. When they do, I'll post a link and show that I scooped them.
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