Take Your Time

The article was about an incident that caused Barfield to be in the hospital recovering from a head injury. Not that big of a deal, right? Well, apparently it made headlines due to the fact that he was pushed down the stairs by his 18 year-old son, Jeremy.
Pretty shocking. Sounds like it was ripped from the pages of Desperate Housewives (I realize that I've mixed my metaphors, and that there are no actual pages of a TV show, but work with me). But shocking as it may be, does it warrant an entry in my little exercize in self-importance?
Actually, yes. Yes it does.
Turns out, the incident was provoked when Barfield went to see what was delaying his son as they were getting ready to go to church. You read that right - they were about to be late for church, so Junior shoves his pop down the stairs. I know it's often a bit of a hassle to get the kids out the door on any given Sunday, but that's one heck of a morning.
Take your time. Slow down. We'll get there when we get there. Just don't throw me down a flight of stairs.
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