Church-Growth Strategy
This is just too good to be true.
It seems as though some guy named Rev. Craig Rubin has started a new "church" in Hollywood, California called Temple 420.
To some of you, the name will immediately clue you in as to what goes on at this "church," but for those less informed (the ones with all their brain cells remaining), read on.
This "church" welcomes people of any and every religious persuasion, which isn't necessarily unusual... what is unusual is the fact that they are the the target of a criminal investigation.
This criminal investigation was due to fact that the Reverend Rubin uses marijuana smoke to carry the prayers of the congregation up to God. The pot is smoked, apparently, in some kind of censer in front of the congregation (imagine an old Catholic priest... but he's really mellow. And smells like burning rope).
Apparently, members can also purchase some of this burning bush for a small "donation" for use in the home. New members must sign an agreement professing, among other things, that "the God of the Bible created cannabis for the healing of all nations."
That's quite a doctrinal statement.
The comment by the investigating officer is priceless: "They were trying to set it up under the guise of a religious right and then be able to sidestep marijuana laws. The deal was for a $100 initiation fee and $100 annual fee, you could buy all the pot you wanted for quote-unquote 'religious purposes.' That's bull$#!%."
I thought I'd heard it all.
Apparently not.